A YOU for YOU. Because you & your goals deserve it


The Hybrid 1:1 & Mastermind Experience designed for the tenacious woman who is craving real partnership and a mentor that can MATCH THE ENERGY of what they give their clients to truly scale a sustainable multi-6 figure business.

I see you…

I see you…

You show up 200% daily for your clients [that your own work sometimes takes a back seat]

You lead with massive value in your business and GIVE SO MUCH, [hello free value queen], but it seems like your efforts are not yielding the REAL INCOME RESULTS you want based on how much you’re currently ‘’working’’.

You see others in your industry soaring to 10-15-20K months and beyond and some days it has you questioning if it’s actually possible for you… because you feel like you’re lucky to have the time to ‘’sell on your stories’’ that day, or get that promotional email out, or …

You’ve been in programs where you’ve felt more like a number than a human where you felt like your business didn’t ‘’matter’’ or you got generic advise that didn't change the numbers ...

But with all of that being said, you have such a DRIVE within you to create a business that doesn’t just make multi 6 figures in sales... but actually PAYS you a 6 figure salary… and a business that you truly feel you can LIVE A LIFE of ‘’freedom’’ with as well...

The start of you GETTING THERE is hanging up your employee hat and stepping into the CEO role.

Here’s what I know is beyond possible for you when you do this [and when you have the RIGHT support]

  • Paying yourself $100,000 salary from your business

  • Having a Company that runs without you needing to be switched on 24/7 or involved in every step

  • Achieving your annual Revenue Goals while working THE SAME OR LESS than you currently do

  • Reduced pressure to always make a new sale each month because you have a Business Model that is setup to generate MRR: Monthly Recurring Revenue {I mean imagine starting every month with $10K or more ALREADY CONFIRMED?!}

  • Peace of Mind knowing your systems and processes are setup to support you as you grow

  • Having an actual Business backend that supports you to lead a growing team and communicate with ease.

  • Having a Sales and Marketing System that generates consistent Lead

  • Having a Business Plan to help you SCALE and stay focused on your strategic priorities (bye bye overthinking)

Imagine having a Business that generates sales for MONTHS in advance, knowing that all future Sales will help you become more profitable AND stacking your Revenue instead of constantly replacing it...

👇 This could be YOU 👇

But HOW are we actually going to make this happen for you?

WE apply my S.C.A.L.E. Method to YOUR Business

  • Sustainable + Scaleable Foundation: As a Strategic Consultant I will audit your business in 5 critical areas, your overall Business Model, Sales, Marketing, Operations and Finances. From there I detect the gaps that have been stalling your growth so we can make a plan to close them and ensure your business is setup to SCALE to your desired annual Revenue.

  • CEO/COO Mindset, Leadership + Planning: I will help to create a tailored plan to implement growth strategies to achieve your Sales + Profit goals while also empowering YOU to lead, strategize and run your business like a CEO.Exhibiting vulnerability and setting the standard of leadership + integrity for growth is essential.

  • Aligned Action: With a real and focused plan in place to achieve your goals, you will take actionable steps backed by a clear strategy. Every move counts and is taking with intention. No more throwing spaghetti at a wall hoping one will stick. You will move with focus + precision.

  • Leverage: We continue to amplify your strengths, automate parts of your business to free up time and identify/ hire support to take things off your plate as your business grows. This is all about
    optimizing operations, and delivering unparalleled value to your clients and implementing automation with a personal touch.

  • EXPAND with a Solid Sales + Marketing System: We will refine and elevate your current Sales + Marketing efforts into a solid system that drives leads and Sales consistently and allows you to 2 x your Revenue.

Why is this different?

It’s not a one-size-fits-all methodology. It’s a unique blend of strategic consulting and hand's on business mentorship, using proven strategies to ensure that your business is setup to not only grow to multi-six figures but it's also sustainable.

👇 You are READY to join the PX 👇

Got Questions and want to chat with me if this is the right space?

Enrolment closesd June 28th, so be sure to connect ASAP if you want to jump on a call and chat.


Why we start with 1:1 and then MOVE into the Mastermind: {exactly why this is NOT your average mastermind}

Personalized Strategic Consulting:

Your business path to scaling is as unique as YOU which is why I believe in creating a customized and personalized roadmap and plan isn't a nice to have, it is ESSENTIAL. That's why in PX: The Partnership Experience, we kick off with dedicated 1:1 sessions. This is where we dive deep into the core of your business. As your strategic consultant, I'll help you look at every facet of your operations and sales + marketing to pinpoint the gaps and help you make a stratgeic plan to close them. This phase is critical as it allows us to tailor strategies that are not only effective but perfectly aligned with your unique business goals and challenges.

Tailored COO Insights:

During our initial one-on-one phase, you'll experience the benefits of having a fractional COO by your side. I’ll apply a meticulous approach to streamline your operations, enhance efficiencies, and set a solid foundation for scalable growth. We'll address key operational challenges, optimize your business processes, and decide what systems need to be setup that support sustained success.

Seamless Transition to Collaboration:

After laying a solid foundation working together 1:1, we transition to the mastermind phase. Here, the focus shifts from individual planning to collective execution. The mastermind component is designed to foster collaboration, accountability, and mutual support among like-minded entrepreneurs. It’s a space where you can share insights, challenge each other, and leverage diverse perspectives to refine and implement your strategies effectively. You will also get to experience learning from other Experts that have been hand-selected to bring their insights to our group.

Ongoing Support and Implementation:

In the mastermind, you'll find yourself surrounded by driven women in business who are equally committed to turning their refined strategies into action. This group dynamic not only accelerates implementation but also enriches your journey with shared experiences and expanded networking opportunities. Together, we'll ensure that the plans crafted in the 1:1 phase don’t just remain plans but evolve into tangible results.

Why This Approach Works:

Starting with personalized 1:1 consulting ensures that every strategy developed is bespoke and grounded in the realities of your business. By seamlessly moving into a mastermind format, we harness the power of community and collective intelligence to sustain momentum and achieve exceptional outcomes. This dual approach ensures that your journey from strategy to execution is smooth, supported, and successful.

This Mastermind was specifically designed for you if:

  • Your business is currently bringing in $5-$8K in Sales each month - and you want to be at $20-$30K

  • You want your back end to match your front end [you want to feel confident in selling knowing it’s not a mess when you onboard a client]

  • You value having a expert SHOW you how to do it vs trying to learn how to do it on your own

  • You love to LEAD, but you also love to be LED... and you know you NEED to be LED to get to your next level.

  • You care about REAL collaboration and value partnership

  • You desire conversations with other entrepreneurs about the ‘’things’’ only other entrepreneurs GET… ‘’with people that understand the pressures, that have BIG ‘’out of the box’’ of social norm goals just like you’’ …

  • You have a Service oriented business and are ready to make your BIG goal of a multi six figure (heck seven figure) business a reality

  • You are ready to put in the investment of time, effort and money to set your business and your self up to grow exponentially


Here are some stats from business women in my Community around WHAT they would like to have in their Business to help them SCALE...

Everyone WANTS an automated business,

but NOONE wants to feel ‘’robotic’’

But the trick is to automate it while making it personal. That’s just ONE of the operational pieces we’ll focus on so you can enjoy your day at beach, without stressing about missed DMs.

Not only DM's will be automated, your SALES can be automated too...

The Partnership experience takes the overwhelm of not only BUILDING but SCALING a business out - that weight you feel of ‘’ what do I do now?/next?

👇 You are READY to join the PX 👇

There’s so many things in your head to think about but it's gonna feel like LESS because you have a partner showing you where your focus needs to be and what the EXACT steps are, guiding you through everyone, everyday…

Here’s just a FEW of the topics we will be covering + INTEGRATING into your business and exactly what you’re going to learn:

  • Running your Business like a CEO with a clear Vision and executable strategic Plan

  • Refining your Business Model to generate MRR (monthly recurring revenue)

  • Creating a Sales + Marketing System that works for you and generates consistent Sales

  • Having a clear path-to-cash to generate sales

  • PR + Social Media Marketing

  • Creating Brand Visibility (Speaking, PR, Collaborations)

  • Leveraging automation and systems to free up your time

  • Implementing automation in your sales + marketing with a personal touch

  • Streamlining your business operations to run smoothly without you needing to be on 24/7

  • Building a Business headquarter that can be accessed by cross functional global Teams

  • Getting you feel empowered around your finances and using simple tools for cash flow tracking

  • Hiring and Managing a Team or Contractors effectively

This is where smart, powerful and ambitious women come to elevate each other, have REAL support and partnership, disrupt the norms of competition and band together to make business goals and milestones REALITY.

What's Included:

  • This experience begins with a s Six-Figure Business Audit (value $997)

    Before we dive deep, we'll conduct a comprehensive audit of your current business model. This isn't just any review; it's a detailed analysis designed to uncover hidden opportunities and areas ripe for growth.

  • 6-weeks of 1:1 Strategic Consulting (Value $3,997)

    For the first six weeks of this program, you and I will be working together 1:1 to dive deep into your unique Business. The six weeks kick off after the initial audit. You and I will get on a 2-hour Strategy Call to dive deeper into what I found and what needs to happen to achieve your Sales + Profit Goal. Over the next 6-weeks we work together via slack messenger and in weekly Calls to create the roadmap, Strategic Plan and we start to dive into the changes to your messaging, marketing and operations. After this initial 6-weeks you will know EXACTLY what to implement to make your goal happen.

  • 4.5 Months of Weekly Mastermind Calls (value $7,997)

    Imagine having a dedicated time each week where your business becomes the center of attention. These calls are where breakthroughs happen – whether it's crafting converting content pieces for your launch or mapping out your entire offer and upsell strategy.

  • Monthly Guest Experts who will lead one of our Mastermind Calls (priceless)

    At the heart + soul of this program is partnership and collaboration. Over the course of the program I have hand selected a group of woman and incredible entrepreneurs who will share their expertise with us.

  • Daily Group Slack Support (value $7,997)

    You're not just joining a program; you're becoming part of a community. Our Slack channel is buzzing five days a week with insights, support, and real-time answers to your burning questions.

  • Three Business Breathwork Breakthrough Sessions with Aimée Drost (value $4,950)

    I am so excited that Aimée Drost a trusted Partner and incredible Business + Breathwork Coach will join us to host 3 x potent Business Breathwork Breakthrough Sessions to support you to expand your capacity to receive and somatically support your nervous system to SCALE . {lifetime access to the Breathwork session recordings}

  • Lifetime Access to Signature Programs (value over $3,000)

    Your learning doesn't stop after the 6-months. You'll have lifetime access to my signature programs, ensuring you're always equipped with the latest strategies to keep your business evolving.

Total value $29,997 YOU PAY $14,997

This is a small intimate Experience due to the hands-on mentorship and Strategic Consulting Components. It is an intimate group size with only 6 x spaces available! We begin July 15th

👇 You are READY to join the PX 👇

Got Questions and want to chat with me if this is the right space?

Enrolment closes June 28th, so be sure to connect ASAP if you want to jump on a call and chat.


'Hands-on-Mentorship' means we will:

✅ Dive deep into the content and copy of your entire sales funnel (from IG, to landing pages and emails) and I will review and edit your submissions to make sure they are on point.

✅ You will be held accountable for showing up and building your audience everyday.

You get support to respond to leads in your DM’s and prep for your sales calls to increase conversion 5-days a week!

✅ You get access to tools, templates and even some scripts that will get you started and then have my support to change them to fit your message, brand voice and business.

You get my Strategic knowledge to help you create a day-by-day plan for your upcoming five figure Launch - you won’t have to guess, you will know exactly what you got to do.

👇 You are READY to join the PX 👇

Got Questions and want to chat with me if this is the right space?

My DM's are ALWAYS open. Click below to send me a direct message on Instagram and let's connect. I am looking for 6 tenacious woman who want to not only scale their businesses but do it in a way that is sustainable and sets them up for long-term success on their own terms!

PS: Enrolment closes June 28th, so message me ASAP and we can have a no BS chat about your business and if this program is right for you.

Where most people would settle, you push the limit even more...

Conversations about the grocery prices, or the netflix series… don’t EXCITE you the same anymore. You want conversations about business operations, client experience, business expansion… but right now you don’t have ‘’those people’’ around you.

You almost feel small… or like you have to ‘’hide’’ your goals around the people in our life currently… but this stops now!

JOIN PX and become part of a group of Woman who collaborate to SCALE.

This is a small intimate Business Experience with only 6 x spaces available!

My name is Theresa Lambert.

 I’m the the founder of Theresa Lambert Coaching + Consulting Inc and the VIBE & SCALE METHOD

I am a Strategic Consultant, Business Mentor and fractional COO that's helped dozens of entrepreneurs scale their businesses to six figures and create a sustainable business model that works FOR them.

I became an entrepreneur to live a full AF life aligned with my dream lifestyle of freedom, joy, and fulfillment. And if you are here, I know that's what you desire too.

You've built a successful business, but you crave more than being tied to your laptop. You had a vision of entrepreneurship that offered so much more and guess what, you get to have it ALL!

My absolute jam is to strategize with you and FOR entrepreneurs like you. To guide you in crafting irresistible offers, creating space for growth, scaling in complete flow and that feeling of satisfaction. You get to experience success that brings freedom and true fulfillment, stop settling for less.

Come master your business and embrace the WHY behind your entrepreneurial journey. Theresa 💫

My name is Jessica Viera.

 I’m the founder of Worthy and United Pty Ltd and The Rising Woman LLC. 

I’m a female entrepreneur and sales expert helping other woman owned businesses create million dollar brands and enroll more clients with ease utilizing my feminine sales method.

I’ve been able to help hundreds of women level up their sales and communication through our method. And while I’ve been able to create a 7 figure business and help others do the same, I was literally in your shoes…

Just like you, I’ve invested. In fact, I’ve invested multiple 6-figures into my business and found myself bumping into the same issues you’ve been facing.

1) Everything taught was so masculine. I felt soooooo disconnected from my femininity. It felt like a punch to the gut every time I took a sales call. So many bro-sales, bro-marketing, bro-systems, bro-tactics, bro-language being taught.

2) I kept hitting income ceilings putting all my energy and time into one platform, create more reels, do more stories, DM more people... more more more. My attraction marketing was capped.

3) Every time I would have a big month, I'd feel exhausted from all the time and energy I was pouring into the DM's, being on sales calls, coaching my clients, showing my face every day..... I needed to find a way to automate my sales and business.... 

My name is Theresa Lambert

 I’m the the founder of Theresa Lambert Coaching + Consulting Inc and the VIBE & SCALE METHOD

I am a Strategist, Business Mentor, fractional COO that's helped dozens of entrepreneurs scale their businesses to six figures and create a sustainable business model that works FOR them.

I became an entrepreneur to live a full AF life aligned with my dream lifestyle of freedom, joy, and fulfillment. And if you are here, I know that's what you desire too.

You've built a successful business, but you crave more than being tied to your laptop. You had a vision of entrepreneurship that offered so much more and guess what, you get to have it ALL!

My absolute jam is to strategize with you and FOR entrepreneurs like you. To guide you in crafting irresistible offers, creating space for growth, scaling in complete flow and that feeling of satisfaction. You get to experience success that brings freedom and true fulfillment, stop settling for less.

Come master your business and embrace the WHY behind your entrepreneurial journey. Theresa 💫

See you on the other side.

Got Questions and want to chat with me if this is the right space?

My DM's are ALWAYS open. Click below to send me a direct message on Instagram and let's connect. I am looking for 6 tenacious woman who want to not only scale their businesses but do it in a way that is sustainable and sets them up for long-term success on their own terms!

Theresa Lambert

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